This is photo bubble is from the inside of one of the Long House Reserver’s permanent sculptures.
Photo bubbles like this are nothing new, they have been been around for probably close to 20 years, but the ease of use of the Bubbli iPhone app is pretty nice. Apple had their version of a photo bubble with Quicktime VR that allowed you to do it and stitch photos together but it was tricky and very time consuming. Microsoft had an iPhone app a few years ago called Photosynth and it was pretty good but didn’t have great support. The Bubbli version has some neat controls and its guided setup is well done and mostly intuitive. The final element that sets Bubbli apart is the addition of captured audio that I didn’t use because of nearby noise but could make many photo bubbles more engaging. It’s worth a try the next time you’re in an interesting fairly static location without to many moving elements.

Long House Reserve – Buckminster Fuller inspired sculpture
Titled: Fly’s Eye Dome, 1998
Designed by Buckminster Fuller
Produced by John Kuhtik
The Long House Reserve is located in East Hampton, NY.