Following a guide on one of Neurosky’s developer pages, we connected their bluetooth enabled Mindwave Mobile headset (an EEG) to an Arduino that had a bluetooth module connected to it. Also on the breadboard is a LED bar graph that is setup to display the level of “concentration” for the wearer of the synced headset.
Once the bluetooth connection was made and an appropriate Arduino sketch (code) was uploaded, the computer was able to also display the headset’s values via the Arduino USB serial monitor. (displayed on the screen here)
It should be fairly to easily modify this code and create “mind control devices” that are connected to the Arduino (ie: a motor). We should also be able to capture data from the EEG for future experiments and areas of study.
This site has some inspirational ideas and experiments:
Hello, I’m beginning to study this brilliant form of communication, and how you gave example could be used to activate a motor, would like to know which components I need to (of course the NeuroSky is required) to make a basic design for a sequence of leds, but how would the basic code in Arduino and what bliblioteca for NeuroSky communicate with the Arduino via Bluetooth serial? Could use the JY-MCU module to communicate with the NeuroSky?
Thank you!
Olá, estou começando a estudar essa brilhante forma de comunicação, e como você deu exemplo poderia ser usado para ativar um motor, gostaria de saber quais os componentes que eu preciso para( claro que o NeuroSky é necessário), para fazer um projeto básico para um sequencial de leds, mas como seria o código básico no Arduino e qual a bliblioteca para o Neurosky se comunicar com o Arduino serial via Bluetooth? Poderia usar o JY-MCU para se comunicar com o Neurosky?
Hi Silvio,
I am not sure if you would be able to use the JY-MCU that way without studying the spec sheet. We used SparkFun’s BlueSmirf ( module to connect to the headset. Some students then used it connected to servos to create a simulated analog dial output/meter. It was hard for us to imagine a good way to use it to control a robot unless it was simply to turn it on/off since the headset is really just giving data on different brainwave types. So (concentrate) could equal (go forward). I am sure there is a way, with a lot more programming, to have the device/computer recognize specific commands but it would likely need to be trained and repeatable with very different thoughts.
Were you able to connect the JY-MCU? Let us know if you made any progress!
Oi Silvio,
Eu não tenho certeza se você seria capaz de usar o JY-MCU dessa forma, sem estudar a folha de especificações. Usamos módulo de SparkFun BlueSmirf ( para se conectar o fone de ouvido. Alguns alunos utilizaram então ligado a servos para criar um mostrador analógico de saída / metro simulado. Foi difícil para nós imaginar uma boa maneira de usá-lo para controlar um robô a menos que fosse simplesmente para ligar / desligar uma vez que o fone de ouvido é realmente apenas dar dados sobre os diferentes tipos de ondas cerebrais. Então (concentrado) poderia igualar (avançar). Estou certo de que há um caminho, com muito mais programação i> b>, para que o dispositivo / computador reconhecer comandos específicos, mas provavelmente precisam ser treinados e repetível com muito diferente pensamentos.
Você foi capaz de se conectar a JY-MCU? Deixe-nos saber se você fez algum progresso!
Hi Urban.
a splendid job
My question is this, I want to connect my Mindwave BlueSMiRF and was not connected correctly, when I connected the packets sent are not useful because it does not convey the level of attention and when I use the SM, 3 SA authentication mode 1 does not connect .
I could help?
Thank you very much.
Hi Fabio,
Which specific blueSMIRF are you referring to? There are a couple. Were you able to complete the link between the headset and the BlueSMIRF?
I am going to be revisiting this project again soon and will try to post some code.