Concept Proposal
The flipped classroom has many advantages when it comes to the subject of computer coding (programming). Students can watch videos and review materials at their own pace and then bring the more complex problems to the classroom to refine and troubleshoot. Some students are able to complete all of the work virtually or find help in the coure’s online community. This project will create a set of video tutorials and supporting content that students can use to create a program completely online.
Using one of the web 2.0 coding environments that allow students to write, debug, and run code online, instead of locally on their computers, students will work to build a “choose your own adventure” text based story using only code. If time allows the addition of static images can be added to story to help teachers offer differentiation to more experienced students.
There will be one video that is entirely dedicated to the planning process and include the use of web based mind mapping software to illustrate the flow of the story. Students will also be asked to share their code via the classroom for peer review during the “beta” testing phase of the project.
The proposed module will attempt to use an Open edX based course space and include links to all of the resources to plan and build their programs. If this LMS course framework doesn’t provide enough of the necessary tools to embed curriculum then another platform might be substituted.
The final module will teach important core programming concepts such as conditional statements, the use of variables, input error handling, and “while loops” to control the flow of the program and ultimately the players story.
Bower, Matt, John G. Hedberg, and Andreas Kuswara. (2010). A framework for Web 2.0 learning design. Educational Media International 47, no. 3: 177-198.(Journal Article).
Davenport, C. E. (2018). Evolution in Student Perceptions of a Flipped Classroom in a Computer Programming Course. Journal Of College Science Teaching, 47(4), 30-35.